Now already 1st of November, 2008 soon will end, and I will reach 21 year old.....Wah, never think that will be so soon, maybe when I look at the mirror, I din feel that I am growing...haha..
Nothing special happen in October, but I have an unforgettable dinner date with my dear friends ooo...
It is on
21 of Oct, I went to
Jogoya to have a buffer dinner with my friends. I heard it locate in Star Hill, a high class place, sure very expensive, but luckily I am a girl, so I entitled to have 50% offer on the price......
The restaurant is very beautiful, the food is nice, but the choice is too many, so I and my friends din try all the food yet, but we take a lot, a lot of picture. We have to take about 15minutes just to take photos of us and food before we start eating. Haha...What can I say is that--we all crazy at that night. Especially Casswen, after the dinner, she act all the 包租婆 style. But because of her funny acting, we enjoy the night very much.

These are the foods and dessert that we busy take photos....

26 Oct-Lastly, we all free, and Joee is back, so we decide to go yam cha. Hui wem introduce us to a new yam cha place. It locate somewhere in ( I forgot what the place of name already..hehe), but the restaurant name-
The Cave.The place design is exactly like the name. The inside is exactly like you inside the cave.Each table is hide in one cave, and even the stair too. It is quite unique and I like it. At there, we enjoy the night we much, we even invite Yan Xun-sing ying bf to join us. He quite enjoy hui wem and Joee performance too, just keep laugh only, haha.....But, we din speak much with Sing ying, because she have function at that night, and my computer is low of bateri after wait for her about one and a half hour. So, we just wait for another night la....
Big different right?Top and bottom, that why I say she from acting class..

Don't be jealous o...sing ying...

We always support you-sing ying!! love you..muack!!